We are running our 2 day 11+ Course during the Whitsun week, dates and times below. We have about 6 or 7 places left on a first come first served basis, so please ring or text on 07595 438181 to book a place.

The two days are a mix of reminding pupils of the techniques they have been taught, some practice of exam technique and how to deal with nerves and finishes with timed exams.

The two days will cover all elements measured in the Kent Test, Maths, Non Verbal Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning.

The feedback you get is vital in helping you make an informed decision about the 11+ The pass marks are never revealed to parents or schools, but we have tracked pupils performance in these days with 3 months to go to the real test, and are very accurate in our predictions.

2 Day Course : Thursday 7th  June – Friday 8th  June (during half term week) 9am-3pm 

Students will need a packed lunch for both days.

We will also be releasing the dates of the extra courses we run in the summer holidays for 11+ students.