Is tuition right for my child?

One of the most common questions we get asked is about who comes to tuition, who our service is for. In reality every child really is different, we don’t pigeonhole them at all, but here are a few generalised categories to give you an overview of how we might be...

The best generation of teachers.

“We have the best generation of teachers and headteachers we have ever had.” For once I agree with Michael Gove. We do have some great teachers, my wife was one of the very best, one of the very first Advanced Skills Teachers in the country. I know because...

Michael Gove (part two)

“We have the best generation of teachers and headteachers we have ever had.” Michael Gove. When exam results improve, Mr Gove says it’s down to grade inflation, not the work of the best generation of teachers. What have these teachers been doing that...

Michael Gove

“Critical to reform is ending an exam system that has narrowed the curriculum, forced idealistic professionals to teach to the test” Michael Gove, Conservative Education Minister announcing the rationale for ending GCSE’s. Perhaps our teachers just...

Keith Joseph

‘examination grades should have a clearer meaning and pupils and teachers need clearer goals. We accordingly need grade-related criteria which will specify the knowledge, understanding and skills expected for the award of particular grades.’ Keith Joseph,...
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